The No-Gi Problem Solver
Go from being the “easy roll” to technically dismantling younger stronger athletes…even if you started BJJ well after 30.
Hi, I'm Patrick Donabedian, an EBI veteran and black belt under Eddie Bravo.
During my 10-year career, I've trained with and competed against hundreds of the worlds best grapplers and MMA fighters.
But lately, my attention has been on a different type of fighter — normal guys who run businesses, who have too many kids, and who's bodies are perfectly sculpted…for office chairs.
I coach these “normal” guys at the ungodly hour of 6:30am.
They wake up so early to train because
1. They have a trillion responsibilities and no other time to train, and
2. Because they are insane Type A competitive personalities who demand to get good at whatever they do as quickly (and early in the day) as possible.
And they absolutely LOVE the gentle art.
The problem is…
As BJJ becomes more and more popular the art becomes less and less gentle.
This is because natural athletes, super geniuses and 20-year-olds with no job who train twice a day are in every gym learning all the same lessons as you….and executing every technique better.
Humility is certainly a great virtue of Jiu-Jitsu. But you shouldn't consistently leave the gym with less confidence than you walked in with.
Do you ever leave thinking…
“Would I even be able to take the fight to the ground in real life situation?”
“I guess I'm just a slow learner. I'll need to train 5 times as much as most people”
“Turtling and getting my back taken is my sorry excuse for a bottom game.”
“Between family and job, can I train enough to actually get good at this?”

I've created and built a step-by-step course that any one can use to systematically improve their game, solve problems and defeat stronger, more experienced opponents.
Inside this course you'll learn:
- How to pinpoint the biggest hole in your game and fix it
- How to Pick a style that's guaranteed to work for your body type
- How to 10x your memory of new techniques and critical details
- How to increase mobility and coordination in your legs
- How Black Belt's Solve Problems differently from Blue Belts
- How to learn twice as much as others from every single roll
- How to incorporate data and measurement to accelerate your development
- How to use this Secret BJJ Learning tool like the competition pros
Here's what some of my students are saying about my methodology:
“Whenever I had strong and aggressive guys pressuring on top of me it was impossible to get my body to do what my mind wanted it to do. After using mental performance exercises I’ve been able to panic less and roll more methodically.” -Jeff H.

“It’s unbelievable that at 43 years old, with two babies and a full time job I’m able to do so well now. Especially with all the young killers at my gym!” -Giorgio L.

“Jiu-Jitsu used to seem like just a jumble of techniques. I finally understand BJJ in terms of systems. I’ve always been amazed by butterfly guard and now I see a clear path to mastering it.” -Harry N.

“All I used to do off my back was to bench press my opponent and hope to land on top. Now I have a guard system that makes pressure passers fall straight into my half guard sweep system.” -David M.

“Now I’m able to hunt for Kimuras everywhere. I can see all the hidden micro-battles. It’s like rolling has become a video game for me.” -Kevin Y.

This course is not about videos showing BJJ maneuvers. This is the complete philosophy, system and toolset I engineered as a highly-determined, passionate player of ‘the game'. It includes the journal style I used, the systematic decision trees and key shifts that lead to non-stop improvement. As well as my best tips for winning against bigger, more experienced rollers that I used on my road to black belt.
Exactly what you're getting:
- A 5 minute assesment tool to identify the biggest hole in your game
- BJJ's “Big 6” Macro-Skills and the systems necessary to learn them
- The blueprint to submit any opponent once you've passed their guard
- The micro-drilling formula for coordination, endurance and mobility
- 4 Brain Tools to drastically improve your comprehension of lessons and short-term memory
- The scientifically proven method to crystallize long-term memory
- How to prevent technical errors during live rolling–things you know but don't do
- The exactly journaling method I used to prepare for EBI and ADCC Trials
The Nogi Problem Solver

Your investment will appear on your bank statement under “Patrick Donabedian BJJ LLC”- You are protected by a 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Email – pat@patrickdonabedian.com if you have any issues.